Saturday, February 26, 2011

10 Inbound Marketing Interview Questions

After my MBA ,I wanted to make my career in Digital Marketing and Online Behavior .I  was convinced that Inbound Marketing is future of marketing,hence i stick to my decision ,even after many contrary views from my close friends.But today situation is quite clear and online marketer is not a poor  SEO or website guy.In fact there are various other profiles like product marketing ,product development,data manager and user interface experts which demand good education and understanding of business.

Following are ten interview questions recommended by Hubspot (

1. Can you explain "insert topic" to me in a simple way? - Inbound marketing is about making your industry interesting and helping to solve customer problems with content. This question is used to make sure that someone can drop industry jargon and communicate a simple idea in a clear and engaging way.

2. What results have you achieved with your current inbound marketing efforts? - Inbound marketing is about growing your business. Make sure that the person can provide solid numbers to showcase their previous work. This also shows that they have an understanding of how to measure inbound marketing efforts. 

3. What do you read online? - Part of inbound marketing is understanding industry news and leveraging for the benefit of the business. Does the person have the right habits in place to do this?

4. How do you drive traffic to your blog (personal/business)? - A business blog is a big part of the inbound marketing process. This question is looking for an understanding of not only writing for a blog, but also growing readership.

5. What part of inbound marketing would you start with for our business? - This question ensures the candidate understands the basics. If the say "social media," when you are getting very little organic search traffic, for example, it demonstrates that they may not be good at seeing the big picture.

6. What is an example of a company that does inbound marketing well and why? - Reverse engineering is an important marketing skill. It is important that you hire a person that knows what success looks like and understands what other businesses have done to be successful.

7. What are five blog post titles you would write for our business? This question is all about understanding how well this person can incorporate inbound marketing into the mix of industry insights.

8. How do you know what type of content to create for our business? - This question tests industry knowledge along with understanding of types of inbound marketing content. Beyond blog posts, the candidate should mention webinars and ebooks.

9. What area of inbound marketing are you least knowledgeable about? It is important to hire a person who understands they don't know it all... This question is all about identifying that level of maturity in someone.

10. How long will it take for us to see results from your inbound marketing efforts? - Regardless of your business, setting the right expectations is critical. You don't want to hire someone that will only tell you what you want to hear. Test the person by making sure they give you reasonable estimates for tactics.


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    Thuê Dịch vụ làm báo cáo tài chính giá rẻ tại quận bình tân
    Thuê Dịch vụ làm báo cáo tài chính giá rẻ tại quận tân bình
    Thuê Dịch vụ làm báo cáo tài chính giá rẻ tại đông anh
    Thuê Dịch vụ làm báo cáo tài chính giá rẻ gia lâm
    Thuê Dịch vụ làm báo cáo tài chính giá rẻ tại quận 1
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    Thuê Dịch vụ làm báo cáo tài chính giá rẻ tại quận 4
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